Hello Bay Area, Register to Vote

in 2022, San Jose Had a Low Voter Turnout of 53%.

Register to Vote

If you aren’t registered to vote, here’s your chance! Registering to Vote takes less than 2 minutes.

Unsure? Learn more about registering to vote:

Check Registration Status

Not sure if you’re already registered? We can help you check in under 30 seconds.

Find Your Local Polling Center

Unsure about where to cast your vote? Find your nearby polling place here!

Make a Plan to Vote!

Use our custom step by step procedure to ensure your vote at the ballot box. Try it out today!

Our Team Endorses: Vote Smart

Vote Smart provides free, unbiased, and factual information about candidates and elected officials to all Americans. Use Vote Smart to learn more!

Volunteer With Us

Interested in Civic Engagement and voter outreach? We are always open to new volunteers!